The best way to control slaves is to make them think their free

Take the United States presidential elections as an example. We are all aware that the candidate that receives the most money and gratuitous media coverage will usually win the election. This will also bring about the power to denigrate the opposing candidate, all the while promoting the Illuminati's presidential choice. The candidate that is easier to control and follow the Illuminati agenda is the one most likely to achieve victory. It is very easy for an experienced Media to manipulate uneducated voters. The corporate controlled Media can lead the election down whatever path it chooses. By controlling what the Media reports concerning the candidates, the Illuminati can very easily decide who is going to be elected as President of the United States.

Most often it is the candidate with the purest bloodline that is victorious. This is the candidate who is most likely to be corrupt, as that is the kind of candidate preferred by the Illuminati. The one that is the most easily controlled is the one heralded as the best choice for the position. The darker the candidates past, the more easy it is to sway their decisions. This is why the Illuminati chooses the most despicable leaders to run their governments. By the promise of fame and fortune if they follow the agenda laid out by the Illuminati, these corrupt politicians are easily manipulated. Through the threat of revealing their dark past, the puppet-masters can get these politicians to follow the line. If their candidates refuse to follow the rules, they will end up like John F. Kennedy. President Kennedy vowed to reveal these secret society members within the government of the United States!

Does the Illuminati control Democrats or Republicans?

The Left/right paradigm is non existent to global manipulators. The Illuminati will hold control over both sides involved in any conflict. They maintain two sides to fool the people in to believing they actually have a choice. By keeping the population ignorant of this game, they have been able to maintain these tactics for centuries! It is the Illuminati that chooses United States presidents, and they will use any means to see to it that their candidate is victorious. Even if they are forced to cheat, the ends justifies the means to these elites. Take for example the United States presidential election of 2000, under no circumstances would they allow their chosen winner to not take the presidential position.

By controlling both sides of the Left/Right paradigm, the Illuminati is assured that one of their puppets is victorious in every election! If for some reason their candidate does not win the election, they will simply fall back on plan B, which has already been under preparation long before the election. So no matter what the outcome of the election is, the Illuminati will have one of their marionettes in office. So even if they lose, they win!

The Illuminati holds and maintains control of both the Democrat and Republican party!
To finance these elections, the Illuminati will use the profits made from the sale of both legal and illegal drugs. As crazy as all of this sounds, the Illuminati controls the trade of drugs, whether this trade is done through pharmaceutical companies or illegal drug cartels. Either way the control of this industry is maintained by the global elite! Even though elections of public officials is not necessary, the Illuminati allows the people to vote so they can have a false belief that there actually is a choice. By doing this they also maintain the lie that the United States follows the rules set forth in the Constitution! This whole election process is a fraud, they give the people a false sense of having a choice!

The United States President controls the nation!

Most people hold the belief that the President of the United States is the commander of the Republic. This belief is false! The United States of America is a corporation, the president acts as CEO of this corporation. As long as he follows the orders laid out by the Illuminati, the president can have the illusion of being the actual decision maker for the country. The Illuminati is the entity that actually makes the decisions for the Corporation of the United States.

Through educating the people, we can stop the Illuminati from creating a New World Order!
Before making any real decisions, the President of the United states needs the approval of the actual owners of the nation, this owner is otherwise known as the "Hidden Hand" or the Illuminati!
Actual power in the United states is not held by politicians, power resides within the secret society known as the Illuminati. There are lies perpetrated which points to a religious conspiracy, this is false and is used as a distraction from the actual facts. There is no Jewish conspiracy, this notion is absurd. It is not a Zionist faction that holds the power.

There is a huge difference between people labeled as Zionists and people that hold religious beliefs following the Jewish path. Either way, the Illuminati does not support organized religion and is perhaps religions greatest threat. These lies are used to fool people in to placing blame on a people that have nothing to do with the attempt to control of the earth! Religions are used to control people by using their deepest and darkest fears. Many religions hold beliefs in similar myths, all of which are used to get the population to act in certain ways. Ways that are beneficial to the Illuminati, and their plans of controlling the globe!

United States Presidents and Illuminati bloodlines!

Is it a curious fact that every U.S. president can trace their lineage back to one of the thirteen bloodlines of the Illuminati? The reason for this is that the candidates put forth for election is handpicked by the Illuminati from occult bloodlines. Research will show that almost every single President of the United States has roots of the same royal bloodlines. They are all distantly related through ancestry, this can be seen by looking at their genealogical family trees.
The members of the Illuminati equates themselves with royalty. The Media has shown many instances of ancestral ties between candidates and former presidents. It is shown that most of these men can trace their families back to one of the thirteen royal bloodlines of the Illuminati!
Within the Illuminati family, members are trained in six different disciplines.

These disciplines are:
The Military.
Spiritual or Religious.
Scholarship, Scholastic.

All members of the Illuminati receive training in all six designated disciplines. This training begins at childhood and continues throughout the lives of the members. By controlling all Media coverage combined with the control of all financial institutions, the Illuminati possesses all the tools needed to control the world.Any person is free to join a secret society if accepted in to the society, and many people do. But gaining membership to the Illuminati is not possible unless the individual comes from the right bloodline.There are many people that follow the agenda laid out by the Illuminati, but they are unable to receive membership in to the society itself. There is a huge difference between the two.
So what exactly is the Illuminati agenda? The agenda being pushed by the Illuminati is a simple concept. They desire a single form of government to govern the entire world. It is a One World Government that they crave. By forming a single government for the world, it will allow them to place the entire globes population under a dictatorship with the result of enslaving the people.There have been multiple instances of powerful politicians that have openly called for a New World Order. George Bush Sr., Mikhail Gorbachev, and Gordon Brown to name a few have been quoted as calling for a One World Government. This government is mistakenly classified as a New World Order when in fact it is an ancient conception that would be correctly called the Old World Order. As it is the same Order which has always held prominence in the world

.George Herbert Walker Bush: “What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea—a New World achieve the universal aspirations of mankind... based on shared principles and the rule of law... The illumination of a thousand points of light... The winds of change are with us now.” Mikhail Gorbachev: Nov. 2, 1987 addressed the Soviet Politburo: In October 1917, we parted with the old world, rejecting it once and for all. We are moving toward a New World, the world of Communism. We shall never turn off that road!? He further reassures his Communist colleagues: Comrades, do not be concerned about all that you hear about glasnost and perestroika and democracy in the coming years. These are primarily for outward consumption. There will be no significant internal change within the Soviet Union other than for cosmetic purposes. Our purpose is to disarm the Americans and let them fall asleep.

The Global Elites are trying to construct a New World Order!
Gordon Brown: "We face a choice. We could allow this crisis to start a retreat from globalization. As some want, we could close our markets - for capital, financial services, trade and for labour - and therefore reduce the risks of globalisation. But that would reduce global growth, deny us the benefits of global trade and confine millions to global poverty. Or we could view the threats and challenges we face today as the difficult birth-pangs of a New Global Order - and our task now as nothing less than making the transition through a new internationalism to the benefits of an expanding global society - not muddling through as pessimists but making the necessary adjustment to a better future and setting the new rules for this new global order."

The only difference between these orders are that the Illuminati now wants to place a Crown on the head of the leader of their world Dictatorship. Once that goal is realized, their agenda will be complete. Their fight for world dominance will be over, with them standing victorious!

Steps to a New World Order!
The goal of achieving a New World Order is not a new idea. This goal is not one that could be realized during one lifetime. This agenda transcends generations and the attempt to fulfill this goal has gone on for centuries. From one generation to the next each of the thirteen bloodlines of the Illuminati has dedicated their lives to the fulfillment of this goal.The agenda has increased during the last few decades, more then it has for the past couple of centuries. The reason behind this is the increased level of industrialization as well as the emergence of a new Information Technological era.
To achieve this goal, the living standard for developed countries such as those in North America and Europe would have to be purposely manipulated to a lower level. Thereby the people in these nations would be more willing to submit to elitist control. At the same time, the living standards within third world nations would have to rise to an equal level with the developed nations. This would equate to fairness in the minds of the global manipulators! For a New world Order to be successful, the same level of living standards would need to be applied to all nations of the world. Thew want a level globe to hold dominion over. These steps are taking place right in front of our very eyes. There has recently been a push in the direction of a One World Government in the areas of Asia, and Africa.

Why have I never heard of this before?
The reason why the general public is not aware of these actions is simple. These steps are decided behind closed doors, during secretive meetings such as the ones held by the Bilderberger Group and other secret societies.The majority of these secret societies initiate their members through gradual raises in their membership. Freemasonry is perhaps the most well known of these societies. These secret societies are controlled by the cabal known as the Order of the Illuminati. The higher their level within their secret society, the more knowledge becomes available to them.Even though societies such as the Freemasons were not created by Global Elitists, they have been infiltrated by the Illuminati throughout history. there are not many of these societies which fall outside of Illuminati control, very few if any are actively working against the thirteen royal bloodlines of the Illuminati!